Bexar County Precinct 2
River Road Ecosystem Restoration
Location/Limits | Mulberry Street to Highway 281 |
Project Start Date | Q2 2024 |
Anticipated Completion | Q4 2028 |
Status | 30% Design |
Project Partners:
Project Summary:
The River Road section of the San Antonio River has experienced long periods of significant erosion, sedimentation and changing riparian habitats as a result of extensive upstream development. This section is one of the last remaining, unchannelized segments of the upper San Antonio River. In 2015, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) determined a federal interest in pursuing viable modifications for the restoration of the River Road section of the river. USACE conducted a subsequent feasibility study to identify and evaluate potential restoration measures. The feasibility study recommended a plan to restore the health and function of the river’s aquatic and riparian ecosystem.
The River Road Ecosystem Restoration project will leverage federal funding to implement channel restoration activities, improve fish passage, and mitigate erosion. Using stream restoration techniques, the project will remove non-native and invasive species and reestablish native aquatic plants, improving quality of migratory and resident avian habitats. Restoring this section of the river, contained within Brackenridge Park, will provide further connectivity along the river to park patrons with the reconfiguration of vehicular and pedestrian access, as well as additional birding, fishing, and other recreational opportunities.
Base Project:
Federally Funded
Bexar County Funded Betterments:

For questions about this project contact us here.
To learn about contracting opportunities visit us here.
>>Cultural Resources Survey Fieldwork Announcement<<
Public Meeting Presentation 08/06/2024
Public Meeting Recording 08/06/2024
Public Meeting Presentation 05/23/2024
Public Meeting Recording 05/23/2024
Feasibility Phase – Public Meeting Presentation 11/19/2020
Feasibility Phase – Public Meeting Recording 11/19/2020
Feasibility Phase – Response to Comments Received on 11/19/2020
Feasibility Phase – Public Meeting Presentation 12/03/2019
Feasibility Phase – Public Meeting Presentation 08/13/2019
Project Manager: