Creeks & Trails
The Creeks & Trails projects are programmed and managed by the San Antonio River Authority on behalf of Bexar County. The mission is to continue or complement previous County capital investment, restore degraded aquatic or riparian ecosystems, improve water quality and flood control, promote trails and other recreational amenities, connect neighborhoods and public institutions, to a linear creek trail network, and leverage funding with other project collaborators. Additionally, these projects serve as a catalyst for future economic development along rivers and creeks.
The Facilities Management department supports County employees and the community they serve by providing functionality, comfort, safety, sustainability, and efficiency of the built environment. These projects enhance and/or repair the buildings and spaces we operate in along with the surrounding infrastructure. The Facilities category in the CIP promotes an overall improved quality of life for Bexar County residents and visitors.
The Bexar County Parks and Recreation division provides locations for community gatherings outdoors in natural, safe, and recreational spaces. This department delivers a community-driven approach to recreation through programming that identifies unique, natural, cultural, and historical heritage. The projects in this category contribute to the value of adjacent properties, positively impact health outcomes, improve safety for children and physically disabled individuals, and protect valuable ecological resources.
Transportation & Flood Control
Transportation & Flood Control projects are managed by the Bexar County Public Works department. This department provides for the general welfare of Bexar County by managing the construction and maintenance of a safe and efficient system of roadways and bridges. Projects in this category most importantly maintain, repair, or improve the County's assets to maximize traffic safety and road conditions for the citizens of Bexar County.