
Creeks & Trails Projects

The Creeks & Trails projects are programmed and managed by the San Antonio River Authority on behalf of Bexar County. The mission is to continue or complement previous County capital investment, restore degraded aquatic or riparian ecosystems, improve water quality and flood control, promote trails and other recreational amenities, connect neighborhoods and public institutions, to a linear creek trail network, and leverage funding with other project collaborators. Additionally, these projects serve as a catalyst for future economic development along rivers and creeks.

Culebra Creek (Grissom to Culebra Rd)

Leon Creek (I35 to Hwy 16)

Leon Creek Trail (Military Trailhead to Rodriguez Park)

Martinez Creek (Cincinnati to Alazan)

River Road Ecosystem Restoration

San Pedro Creek Phase 4.2

Spirit Reach (Contemplative Path)

The Link – Preliminary Engineering Report

Westside Creeks Ecosystem Restoration

Zarzamora Creek (Alderete to Tierra Del Sol)

Zoo Well Replacement